American International Group, Inc. التطبيقات

AIG Rapid Rater 2.0
Rapid Rater provides access to AIG’s topselling term/GUL products.· AG Secure Lifetime GUL®. AG Secure Survivor GUL℠· AG Select-a-Term®· AG ROP Select-a-Term®· Select-a-Term® / ROP comparisons
AIG SG 2.3.2
Easy Access To AIG’s InsuranceProtectionAt AIG we make it easy and convenient for you in Singapore toobtain insurance protection via our AIG SG app. With just a clickyou can now access a range of our products and obtain the coverthat you need. And if you are already covered by AIG, you can renewyour personal insurance policies via our app with no hassle.Should you be at Changi airport and need travel insurance coverjust before you leave Singapore, our app will give you easy accessto comprehensive cover for your trip thus allowing you to travelwith complete peace of mind.Whether you are driving in Singapore or travelling overseas, ourapp provides instant access to emergency assistance hotlines thatare manned round the clock should an emergency arise.In the event of an auto accident AIG’s app also allows therecording of necessary details including particulars of thedriver(s) involved and photos of the accident. Should there be needfor repairs, the location of workshops in the vicinity is alsoeasily accessed via our app.Download the AIG SG app now and get easy access to all of the aboveservices.
Travel Guard 1.1.3
The Travel Guard Mobile App is an exciting newtool that gives you access to vital emergency information whenyou’re travelling in Australia or overseas. This industry leadingApp has been designed to make it easier to access Travel Guard’sEmergency Assistance Centre, and to help get you to a doctor,hospital, embassy and more and all this without needing internetaccess. Once you download the Travel Guard Mobile App, you canaccess thousands of Travel Guard approved contacts at the touch ofa button.Directory of key contacts• Get key contact information for doctors, clinics, dentists,hospitals and Australian embassies.• Using your GPS location shows your closest services, and they canalso be selected by country.• Lists locations by proximity to you, and gives you directions viaan inbuilt compass and map.• The database is stored locally on your device.Newsfeed• Access the latest travel news and warnings direct from “SmartTraveller”. This will update from when you last connected to theinternet.• Select the country you are in, or your next destination and thecurrent newsfeed will be displayed.Contact Travel Guard• Call Travel Guard directly from the app.• Your location is displayed as geo-coordinates so you can provideto a Travel Guard Representative.Just like Travel Guard, the Travel Guard Mobile App gives youaccess to emergency support 24 hours a day, wherever you are.Important information when you need it most.
AIG Advisor Group Meetings 1.02
This is our Meetings & Events app for ouradvisors to view and utilize our conference information andresources throughout our various meetings and events.
AIG CyberEdge Mobile App 1.5.2
The CyberEdge Mobile App is a sophisticated,industry leading tool designed to keep you abreast of andup-to-date with the rapidly changing cyber security landscape. TheCyberEdge Mobile App combines the latest cyber news, opinion, riskanalysis, and data breaches, putting the cyber information you wantat your fingertips.Just like AIG’s CyberEdge protection, the CyberEdge Mobile Apphelps you to stay ahead of the curve by guiding you to the mostrelevant, recent and important cyber content.Terms of Use:
AIG Corporate Citizenship 1.0.1
At AIG, we know that our commitment tooperating as a responsible corporate citizen is central to oursuccess as a business. The 2014 AIG Corporate Citizenship Reportshares how we’re making an impact in our communities around theworld to help create a safer and more secure future for all.
AIG Client Events 5-1e0b801a64
Download the AIG Client Events app to accessdetailed information for Client programs throughout the year. Theapp features agendas, detailed breakout descriptions, speaker biosand session handouts. You can also navigate to meeting locations,provide instant feedback through surveys and compile your sessionnotes at the end of the program.
AIG for Business 1.0.1
“AIG for Business” is designed for businessesin all industrial sectors.It delivers risk management, loss control and insurance insightsfrom one of the world’s great insurance organisations, in a clearand straightforward manner.All designed to help your business stay in business.
AIG Sales Tools 1.0.1
Helping insurance brokers to assist theircustomers with the right products for their needs.
VALIC Meetings and Events 4-0bbab09c83
Download the VALIC Meetings App in ordertoaccess detailed information for programs throughout the year.Themeeting app features agendas, detailed breakoutdescriptions,speaker bios, and session handouts. You can alsonavigate tomeeting locations, provide instant feedback throughsurveys, andcompile your session notes at the end of the program.You will beable to use the app for future VALIC meetings.
Conductor Experto 1.2.10c-1.21
Conductor experto es una aplicación dedescarga gratuita que pueden utilizar los clientes de La Meridionalpara medir su conducta de manejo. Conductor Experto utilizatecnología de Smartphone para medir la performance de manejodándote feedback para lograr una conducción segura.Conductor Experto está diseñado para darte un puntaje individualpor tu conducta de manejo y para ayudarte a construir patrones másseguros de manejo. Al lograr un patrón de manejo más seguro, podrásobtener beneficios en tu seguro de Auto (términos y condicionespueden aplicar).Cómo funciona Conductor Experto?1. Descargá la app Conductor Experto en tu Smartphone2. Ingresá los datos tuyos y de tu seguro para poder crear tucuenta personal.3. Manejá tu auto como lo haces usualmente4. La aplicación registrará tus viajes y te mostrará un puntaje querefleja cómo has manejado.5. Usá la aplicación para mejorar tu conducta de manejo en cadaviaje.6. Tu puntaje general, estará basado en tus hábitos de manejo en ellargo plazo. Esto incluye velocidad, aceleración y frenado,velocidad con que tomas las curvas, hora del día y cuán largos sontus viajes.Información Importante:1) Debido a que utilizamos el GPS de tu celular, hay un númerodiferente de factores que afectan la señal utilizada. Recomendamosque uses un soporte para el celular dentro del auto, o quedeposites tu celular en un lugar estable. Si no puedes hacerlo, note preocupes, pues la aplicación igualmente registrará los viajescuando el celular está en tu bolsillo o en tu cartera, solo quepuede que no sea igual de preciso.2) Dado que Conductor Experto utiliza el GPS de tu celular, labatería puede consumirse más rápido de lo normal. Si bien estamoshaciendo permanentes avances para reducir el consumo de batería,recomendamos que uses un cargador de celular para auto compatiblemientras realizas tus viajes. De este modo, podrás garantizar quetu batería esté siempre a tope.3) Conductor Experto utiliza tu celular para grabar los viajes,para lo cual requiere enviar y recibir datos a intervalosregulares. Para esto, Conductor Experto se conecta a los serviciosde conexión de datos 3G/4G. Los datos enviados está comprimidospara tener un impacto mínimo en la transmisión de datos. Sinembargo, si prefieres evitar estas transmisiones, puedes cambiar laconfiguración para que solamente envíe datos cuando estés conectadoa una red Wi-Fi. Esto, sin embargo, afectará la frecuencia yrapidez con que podremos darte feedback sobre tu información demanejo.Skilled driver is a freedownloadable application that customers can use to measure theSouth driving behavior. Expert driver Smartphone technology used tomeasure management performance giving feedback for safedriving.Expert driver is designed to give an individual score for yourdriving behavior and to help build safer driving patterns. Toachieve a more secure pattern management, you can get benefits onyour auto insurance (terms and conditions may apply).How it works Expert Driver?1. Download the app on your Smartphone Expert Driver2. Enter your people and your insurance information to create yourpersonal account.3. Drive your car as you do usually4. The application will record your trips and show a score thatreflects how you handled.5. Use the application to improve your driving behavior on eachtrip.6. Your overall score will be based on your driving habits over thelong term. This includes speed, acceleration and braking, speed youtake the curves, time of day and how long are your travel.Important Information:1) Because we use the GPS on your phone, there are a number ofdifferent factors affecting the signal used. We recommend that youuse a support cell in the car, or you deposit your cell in a stableplace. If you can not do it, do not worry, because the applicationalso record the travel when the phone is in your pocket or in yourwallet, just that it may not be as accurate.2) Since expert driver uses the GPS of your phone, the battery maybe consumed faster than usual. While we are making sustainedprogress to reduce battery consumption, we recommend that you use acell phone charger compatible car while doing your travels. In thisway, you'll ensure that your battery is always full.3) expert driver uses your phone to record the trips, for whichrequired to send and receive data at regular intervals. For this,expert driver is connected to the connection services 3G / 4G data.The data sent is compressed to have a minimal impact on datatransmission. However, if you prefer to avoid these transmissions,you can change the settings so that only send data when connectedto a Wi-Fi network. This, however, affect the frequency and speedwith which we can give you feedback on your informationhandling.
myAIG (AIG 영업 업무용) 1.4
더 좋은 내일, AIG손해보험의 GA 영업 업무 지원용어플리케이션입니다.[이용 안내]AiGEN (AIG GA Portal)과 동일한 ID와 비밀번호로 접속하여 다양한 업무 지원 서비스를 이용하실 수있습니다.만약 ID와 비밀번호가 만료되었거나 변경을 원하시는 경우, 로그인 화면 내 '비밀번호 초기화' 버튼 클릭 후 ID와비밀번호를 변경할 수 있습니다.[서비스 개요]스마트폰에 다운로드 시- 장기 상품과 기업 보험 상품에 대한 가입 설계 요청Tablet에 다운로드 시(단, 기종은 갤럭시 Tab S2임)- 장기 상품과 기업 보험 상품에 대한 가입 설계 요청- 장기 상품 직접 청약 설계- 장기 상품과 기업 보험 상품에 대한 가입 재설계- 가입 설계서 조회- 전자 청약 (전자 청약서, 전자 서명, 초회 보험료 수금)- 개인 / 기업 고객 조회- 신규 개인 / 기업 고객 등록- 추천 상품 제안서 Viewer 기능- 공지 사항 읽기*안전한 업무 지원 서비스 제공을 위해 임의 개조, 보안 취약성이 존재하는 기기에서는 서비스 이용이불가능합니다.Better Tomorrow, a GAsales operations for supporting the application of AIG GeneralInsurance.[Information Use]Connect to the same user ID and password and AiGEN (AIG GA Portal),you can enjoy a variety of business support services.If the ID and the password has expired or if you wish to change,you can change the login screen in the 'Password Reset' button andthen click on ID and password.[Services Overview]Download your smartphone when- Up Design request for a long-term product and corporate insuranceproductsWhen downloading a Tablet(However, the model is the Galaxy Tab S2 Lim)- Up Design request for a long-term product and corporate insuranceproducts- Long-term subscription products directly to the design- Sign up redesign for the long-term product and corporateinsurance products- Up Unit Plan ViewsE-subscription (electronic cheongyakseo, electronic signature,initial premiums collected)- Personal / Corporate Customer Views- New private / corporate customers register- Recommended Products proposal Viewer Function- Notice Read* The devices that convert any security vulnerabilities exist for asafe business support services can not use this service.
AIG Meetings & Events 5.4
Download the AIG Meetings and Events app toaccess detailed information for programs throughout the year. Themeeting app features agendas, detailed breakout descriptions,speaker bios and session handouts. You can also navigate to meetinglocations, provide instant feedback through surveys and compileyour session notes at the end of the program. You will also be ableto use the app for future AIG meetings.
AIG Drive Master 4.0.11
AIG is proud to introduce Drive Master: thefirst dual-language intelligent driving app in Hong Kong.AIG Drive Master features:• Uses your phone's GPS to analyze your driving skills• Using a wide range of factors such as acceleration and braking,Drive Master will score your performance every time you get behindthe wheel, empowering you to be a better and safer driver.• Benchmark your driving skills by completing challenges where youcompete against other users and the winner will win great prizes(prizes ranging from free coffee vouchers to free petrol for 1year*). The more you drive, the higher the chance you winprizes.• Provide you with potential car insurance premium discounts(discount calculation is base on your driving score)Your data - The data we collect will be used to help us build anunderstanding of your driving behavior and risk, the high standardsof AIG will apply in the handling of this data.Ensure your safety on the road and never use your phone whilst youdrive, in case of app interaction, please make sure your car isstationery.*Terms & conditions apply
Haka 360° 1.0.01
AIG, Major Global Sponsor of the All Blacks,isbringing rugby fans closer to the haka than ever before withthisinnovative virtual reality (VR) Haka 360° Experience.The Haka 360˚ Experience app uses 360 degree video technologytogive the viewer the feeling of being on the field with theAllBlacks and in the midst of the powerful Māori ritual.Users can view the video on their handset or immerse themselvesinthe VR experience with a custom made Haka 360˚ headset. Forthefull spine tingling experience watch with VR viewer andheadphonesto be transported onto the field with the team.Check out the bonus content and learn more about the haka,itshistory and what it means to the All Blacks.To give fans the ultimate viewing experience at home, AIGisgiving away limited edition Haka 360° viewers. For moreinformationor to request a free Haka 360˚ headset can also build your own viewer using these to the AIG Touchline on the South Bank, London,duringSeptember and October 2015 will be able to face the Haka360˚Experience in a fully immersive setting.Follow @AIGRugby on Twitter and Instagram for latest newsandjoin the conversation with the hashtag #Haka360.Terms of Use: 360° ©American International Group, Inc. Allrightsreserved.
AIG CyberPal 2.37.0
The Cyber Awareness App for your Home:Improve the Cybersecurity ofyour Devices
Agent365 3.2.07
Agent365 is a mobile application created for intermediaries byAIGwith "ease of doing business" in mind. It is an InsurancePolicyissuance tool for day-to-day business transaction. Currentlyitsupports Auto insurance and is multi-devices login capablewhichallows user to get access using various devices simultaneouslyviaAgent365 user ID and Password. for further information.
AIG Safe Drive 1.1.9
AIG Safe Drive system, gives drivers feedback on their drivingandhelps them improve their driving habits. The systemmonitorsdangerous road behaviors such as high speeds, suddenaccelerationsand turns, sudden stops, and rates the quality ofdriving. Thesystem sends the driver Alerts and help to improvedriving quality.The customer can monitor the driving behavior viaapp that examinesweaknesses and improves driving over time. At theend of a fullyear of insurance, at the renewal, careful driverswill receive asignificant discount of up to 30%.
AIG Travel Assistance 2.10
The AIG Travel Assistance App is only availabletocorporate/business travel policyholders. Individualleisurepolicyholders do not have access to the app (please do notregisterto the app with your individual leisure policy number).Withincreasing travel security and health risks, navigating theworldof domestic or international travel requires a new levelofsophistication in order to stay safe and secure. Whether it’spriorto travel, during the trip, or after the return home, oursecure,member-only travel assistance app* provides memberpolicyholderswith convenient access to in-depth travel, securityand healthinformation 24/7/365. *Features vary by policyholderaccess.Contact your agent, broker or AIG representative to learnmore.Must be connected to Wi-Fi or a cellular network. Benefitsinclude:· One-touch ‘Help’ Phone Button connects travelers directlytoemergency travel assistance. · Assistance ID card can beaccessedvia the app in the event the physical card is forgotten orlost. ·Security Travel Alerts contain security level developmentsthat mayaffect your travel destination(s) (subscribed travel alertswill besent to the registered user’s email address). · Onlinetravelsafety videos and knowledge tests provide basic toolsandinformation to be an aware, organized and prepared travelerwiththe ability to email the certificate of completion. ·Check-infeature allows for travelers to let trusted contacts knowthat theysafely arrived at their destination while traveling. ·CountryReports and City Guides provide key information onpoliticalconditions, security issues, travel logistics, culturalfactors,contact details and health advisories with the ability tofavoritereports and guides. · Provider Directory containscontactinformation for healthcare providers in various locationsaroundthe world with a map view and ability to turn on GPS andlocateproviders nearby. Members have the option to rate andsharecomments about the medical provider (feedback will not bemadepublic and will only be shared with AIG Travel). ·MedicalTranslations tool translates medical terms and phrasesintomultiple languages. · Drug Brand Equivalency tool generatesdrugbrand names and their equivalent names for multiple countries.
AIG On the Go 5.0.2
The Intelligent Driving App for Singapore empowers you to be asafer driver